Jupiter’s Success: A Community-First Approach to Growth | Ft. Meow, Founder of Jupiter on Solana

In the 7th episode of The VALR Podcast, hosted by Farzam Ehsani, Co-Founder and CEO of VALR, Meow, the founder of Jupiter, Solana’s leading Dex aggregator, shared his thoughts on the crypto space and his vision for Jupiter.

Meow explained that his name is more than just a playful choice. It represents his perspective on the fast-paced world of crypto, where being alert and adaptable is essential. He believes that success in this space requires being ready for anything, much like a cat. This mindset is a reminder that staying flexible and aware is key in the crypto industry.

Meow’s Path into Crypto

During the podcast, Meow discussed his journey into crypto, which started with his interest in its dynamic nature. He talked about how important it is to be adaptable and how this has been crucial to his success. He also emphasised the importance of building a strong community. For Jupiter, engaging with the community has been a core part of its strategy for growth.

Meow shared that his background includes working on the first social recommendation engine, which helped him understand how to build and nurture communities. He noted that traditional success metrics, like follower counts or trading volumes, don’t really show a project’s true value. Instead, he believes the real measure of success is the activity and value of the community.

Jupiter’s Vision for the Future

Meow also discussed his views on the future of the crypto space. While he strongly supports Bitcoin, he sees great potential in other cryptocurrencies as well. He believes that, in the future, there will be more opportunities for collaboration and trading between different blockchains, aligning with Jupiter’s goal of providing the best rates across multiple liquidity sources.

For more insights and discussions on emerging trends in the digital currency space, subscribe to The VALR Podcast to keep up with the latest developments.

Risk Disclosure

Trading or investing in crypto assets is risky and may result in the loss of capital as the value may fluctuate.

VALR (Pty) Ltd is a licensed financial services provider (FSP #53308).




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