Understanding Self-Custody and Crypto Security with Matěj Žák, CEO of Trezor

In this fifth episode of The VALR Podcast, host Farzam Ehsani, Co-Founder and CEO of VALR, discusses self-custody and crypto security with Matěj Žák, the CEO of Trezor. Matěj shares his insights on how self-custody can empower individuals in the digital assets space.

Matěj Žák’s Journey

Matěj Žák's path to becoming the CEO of Trezor is quite unique. Originally a musician with interests in economics and sociology, Matěj joined Trezor five years ago as the company's first product manager. His role evolved over time, leading him to become the Chief Product Officer and eventually the CEO. His diverse background plays a significant role in his approach to product management and innovation in the crypto space.

The Birth of Trezor: Pioneering Hardware Wallets

Trezor stands as a pioneer in the hardware wallet industry, being the first company to develop a hardware wallet specifically designed to protect private keys for Bitcoin. Just like a physical key for your car or home, these digital keys need robust protection to prevent unauthorised access. Trezor's mission is to make self-custody secure and user-friendly, ensuring individuals can safeguard their digital assets effectively.

Understanding Private Keys and Self-Custody

In the world of digital currency, private keys are crucial for securing assets. Trezor hardware wallets provide a secure environment to store these keys, protecting them from online vulnerabilities. This practice, known as self-custody, allows users complete control over their digital assets, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Exploring Crypto Storage Options

We explored various crypto storage options, including software wallets, hardware wallets, and paper wallets. While software wallets store keys online or on mobile devices, exposing them to potential hacks, hardware wallets like Trezor offer superior protection by keeping keys offline. This offline storage method makes hardware wallets exceptionally resilient to cyber threats.

Challenges and Benefits of Self-Custody

Self-custody provides unmatched security but requires users to have a certain level of knowledge and caution. Practicing good security habits is essential, such as avoiding digital copies of backup keys and not disclosing crypto holdings publicly. Despite these challenges, Trezor's efforts in making their devices user-friendly are pivotal in making self-custody more accessible to everyday users.

Trezor’s Innovations in Self-Custody

Trezor has introduced several innovative solutions to enhance self-custody. One such innovation is the SLIP-39 protocol, which allows users to split their seed phrase into multiple shares. This feature ensures that users can recover their wallet in case of emergencies without relying on a single backup.

The Future of Self-Custody and Crypto Adoption

Matěj is optimistic about the growth of self-custody, anticipating broader adoption as more people enter the crypto space. He believes the involvement of large institutions and governments will drive this growth. However, he emphasises the importance of preserving Bitcoin’s decentralised ethos within this expanding landscape.

Collaborative Vision for the Future

At VALR, we share Trezor's vision of offering diverse custodial solutions to meet varying user needs. Our aim is to create a finance ecosystem that is accessible, transparent, and secure, supporting both self-custody enthusiasts and those who prefer the convenience of trusted intermediaries.


Matěj Žák's insights offer a compelling look into the importance of hardware wallets and their role in crypto security. As the crypto ecosystem continues to grow, the demand for secure, user-friendly self-custody solutions will likely rise. Stay tuned to the VALR podcast for more thought-provoking discussions with industry leaders.

For more insights and discussions on emerging trends in the digital currency space, subscribe to The VALR Podcast to keep up with the latest developments.

Risk Disclosure

Trading or investing in crypto assets is risky and may result in the loss of capital as the value may fluctuate.

VALR (Pty) Ltd is a licensed financial services provider (FSP #53308).


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